Monday, October 27, 2014

Peculiar Girl & Tick-Tock Clicking

Peculiar Girl and Tick Tock Clicking

Click, click.

Stay taps her finger. Click, on the metal sink as she stares out the wood bordered window of the kitchen, her eyes multiplied and gleaming in the glass crane on the sill.
Click, on the claw foot tub, water gone cold, toes pruney.

Click, click.

The sound of her heart, locked up behind tall, icy walls of skin and bone. Click, click, her heart ticks on. No thump or bump, pound or beat. Click, click, like a clock, second hand itching toward endless minutes, caged behind arctic glass, marking down numbers and moments.

What did Stay’s heart click down to? What waited for her at the end of her tick tock heart?

No more ticking, clicking or tocking, Stay thought. She knows what this is about. She knows what has come to haunt her.

Stay, alone, never experienced loneliness. With the click, tick, taping of her finger echoing through the empty home, loneliness began to echo in her tick-tock heart, creaking and cracking through frosty ice.

How? How could this be? Her friends dance in porcupine bones and swim in paper cranes. Her love and life live in collecting leaves and bones and deceased bugs hiding under brown leaves. No room for loneliness, no space to give.

Yet now she understood, loneliness ticked in her with every tock, tapped on every surface, scratching the blue flowers from her delicate finger. A finger not hers. A replacement, cold and aching, without true sense of feeling. Stay felt like the finger, in her home, in the world. Not truly a part, barely connected, sticking out. Cold, as the blood of life did not beat to her. Breath made no difference. All she had was click, click.

Alone, a loner, all one. Stay is one. Perhaps she was just one even when her mother was around. One amongst a thousand paper cranes, one among her vials of rain, and snow creatures built in the winter. One, even when she knew she was not.

Is this growing up? Is this a passing, fleeting, tick tock moment? Perhaps tomorrow it will be gone. Minutes will have ticked and clicked it away, dissipating the loneliness, the oddness, the bloodless finger feeling.

Click, click.

For now it goes on. Second after second, her soul a mechanic meaning, her thoughts are gears and drives spinning for something, working to get somewhere. Click, click.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

River Voices

642 Things to Write About: You are about to take a nap by a river, and as you are dozing off, the rush of the river begins to sound like words. What does the river say to you? What does it want you to do?

Spring arrives by thawed rivers and lakes, in the flowers blooming in every yard. I stroke the soft, cool, dark green grass and close my eyes. I feel myself drifting like the lazy river winding around me. Then I hear it. The bubbling, rumbling of the river over rocks sounds like a voice. Oh no, not here too. I'm napping on the riverside to escape the songs and voices that mumble through the box-fan at home.

I groan and try to ignore it, concentration instead on the suns' heat soaking through my lids.

"Sopphhiieee..." a voice whispers up like mist from the water's rippling surface. I don't open my eyes and I don't dare move. "Sophie," it says again, "I know you can hear me now. All this time I was trying to contact you through the fan. I should have known a more natural approach would be more successful."

I must be dreaming. I open my eyes and look around, I'm alone. There's a swirl of water spiraling in the center of the river. I swallow and take a step away. The swirl lifts up from the water and the voice returns. "You're the only one who can help me."

Monday, March 31, 2014

City Raccoons

642 Things to Write About: Write a story from the point of view of raccoon. What is the city like at night? Why do you knock over garbage cans? Do you get along with other raccoons?

Fortunately, I belong to  small tribe, the City Racs. It's easier that way. The lonely ones receive no help, they stick out and become loathed. They give raccoons a bad name, knocking over cans, causing commotion, mayhem, and awareness.

In a group you can create a raccoon ladder, quietly climb up the fury bodies of your fellow raccoons and remove thrown away food in a quiet and more dignified manner. Not that all is swell in the City Racs group. There are a lot of squabbles over scarps and fights to earn more stripes.

Not all are cut out for city life, either. It's busy and crowded. There's a lot of struggle for territory and a constant need to feel part and protected by and in the group. I wasn't always part of the City Rac group. I know how it is to be a loner out there. That's why I'll do anything to stay here, among the group. I'm the bottom of the ladder, I'm the bandit of the bunch.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Girl Who Saw the Universe

642 Things to Write About: you meet a girl who, when she closes her eyes, can see the entire universe. Tell us about this girl.

She hovers over the ground, toes pointed down, skirting the floor. Sparks, like stars, sprinkle in her wake. When she closes her eyes her body goes still and her lids light up purple and blue, rapidly swirling and morphing from one color to another. She opens her mouth and lets out a breath filled with spiraling galaxies and clouds of stars. Her eyes twitch under her colorful lids and her cheeks turn rosy.

She opens her eyes. She smiles and stars fall to her feet, floating above the ground with her.

She is the girl who can see the universe.

Friday, March 21, 2014


642 Things to Write About: One morning Jessica wakes up and realizes she is magnetic.

Fingers tingled again. All of Jessica's skin buzzed with something she could only describe as electric. Why did she keep waking up with such a strange feeling? When she reached for her metal framed alarm clock, always a hair's width too far to reach, it seemed to jump into her hand with a cold slap.

Well, that didn't happen the previous morning. Jessica turned the alarm off and shook it out of her hand. The buzz stretched out from her fingers like an electric shock from too much friction.

When she walked down the stairs, her mom humming in the kitchen, the keys on the walkway table rattled, fell to the floor and skidded to her feet.

"What the...?"

Jessica kicked the keys away and ran to the kitchen, only to have her stomach smacked by a spoon. Her mom turned around to see Jessica pulling it away and it stick to her fingers.

"I see it's started," her mom said with a glee, a smile wide on her thin face.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Hummingbird

642 Things to write about: A bird has been following you everywhere you got for a week. Why is it following you?Whom does it work for?

Is it the same bird again? How many could there possibly be in my apartment on the 11th floor, and in the city? I only ever see it in my peripherals when I'm not thinking about it, when I turn my head to get a look I see a flash of green and it's gone. And of course, I hear it all the time, like a large bee buzzing on my shoulder, driving me slowly, ever further, into insanity.

In the elevator on my way down to the street I feel a sharp flutter on my neck, like a mosquito bite. I don't even have the urge to swat or smack it. When I turn my head to look, a long, thin beak is pointed up at me and a tiny green and blue body shuddering with the energy of its wings. A soft blur. A hum.

I'm staring at it in awe, my mouth open.

Then it speaks. "I knew it, I said to them, I said you were the one. They had me follow you all week to make sure but I knew and I was right." The bird's voice was a mixture of song and whisper

"What?" I said, dumbfounded.

"The majestry of birds, of course. She is looking and I found you. You're the one, I knew it. I can smell it on you like sweet honeysuckle in your blood. You're the heir."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winter Birthday

My birthday was nearly two weeks ago now. I waited to post anything because half of my husband's budget for birthday gifts was being saved for a trip to Ann Arbor (record stores, used book stores, thrifting, and Vault of Midnight). But for the past two weekends the snow has kept us in and we haven't been able to go. Now, it sort of feels like my birthday is over and I'm not sure we'll go before spring for a regular scheduled mini vacation.
Oh well, I did find something I may buy myself to make up for it, and if I do I'll have a whole post dedicated to it!
Here are some pictures from the Birthday-Wintery times!

Frost on the windows

I made some decorations! I didn't have a party or anyone over, so just me and the husband enjoyed the decorations. It really brightened the place up! And, made it festive. Here you can see some paper accordion-flowers and some...I don't know what to call it. I cut up papers and taped it to paper straws!
Here you can see some garlands I made, and also weird vertical garland type things. I was just having fun making festive looking stuff from what I had.

A paper hot air balloon and some colorful origami cranes in the window. I later added papermache light up lanterns, also very colorful.

I opened presents from my husband in the morning while we drank coffee. First up was Abbey Road, Beatles vinyl, which I put on and played for the rest of the morning. And then these set of plates! They match a huge cup and saucer I have. Now I have the whole set. They're so dramatic and bold and wonderful

Delicious, dense, wonderful french toast for my birthday breakfast courtesy of my parents!
After breakfast we went to Barnes and Noble and I got a book that had come out a few days before. It's the last to a series I like (and own). Plus, I had 15% off

Husband got a half day at work and came home with roses and that amazing card you see on the bottom right 'dat ass', and also champagne! 

We went to my parents house. What a lovely display of presents! My dad did the pink and white polka dot one all by himself, including the ribbon. So proud! And, see that framed Japanese doll?

My mom cross stitched her for me! What an adorable birthday keepsake! Her colors are perfect.

Butterflies from the husband

Flowers that were with my presents from my parents. They matched the wrapping and are so springy! 

An amazing coloring book that I can't stop paging through! I also got a huge pack of prismacolor colored pencils, and a special sharpener that sharpens at two different angels.

My big gift from my parents, an pink instax mini8! I love it! 

My brother got me a beautiful bracelet that we saw while shopping for Christmas presents in December. I haven't taken a picture of it. It's marcasite and onyx. After presents, we went to a chinese restaurant we all love but haven't been to in years. We got way too much food and everyone got to take home leftovers. It was amazing, I kind of want some now, actually! When we got back to my parents' house, we had cake, ice cream and played our favorite board game, Cosmic Encounter. I won! It was a goofy game, we were all acting ridiculous. And, I took my first picture with my new camera while playing, it's not a good picture, but it IS, because it's my whole family and it's badly taken. 

On the way home, the night of my birthday, we went to Target and I got this pink PS3 controller as part of my birthday, and the movie bridesmaids (my husband and I love that movie).

The day after my birthday. We were supposed to go to Ann Arbor but we got a huge snow storm. Maybe a foot of snow in a few hours? Husband and I drank the champagne he got me, midday, while watching Bridesmaids then playing a game he got for my birthady. When all of a sudden there were huge fluffy balls of snow falling from the sky outside, the size of a fist, and falling slow. It looked like  a cartoon. so we ran outside. It was too late, just regular snow, but we took a few pictures with my camera.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cross Stitching

I began cross stitching! I got such a fun, modern book Storyland Cross Stitching

Here's my first project I made! And, Luna trying to sleep on it so I couldn't finish it. Aw, what a cutie and a sweetie!
The finished product! Originally the pattern showed the top triangles, and then they framed the fox in at an angle, so the whole thing was in the shape of a triangle (becaue it's meant to be a triangular pin cushion). I just reversed the order and direction and put a border on the bottom as well. Then through trial and error I made up side borders! A bit of cross stitch and back stitch! For my first project I'm a bit proud!
Then, I began making some fun little things that are shown in the book to be made into buttons. Love the fabric color I chose!
I love all four designs! Not sure what I'll do with them, but I'm making progress and having fun!
Stag, Key, Bird, Crown

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sunday's Snowy Day Fun!

I put together the moss terrarium the husband got me for Christmas! It was pretty simple to put together, now if I can keep it alive! I want to get tiny adorable things to put in, like these plastic deer Michael's had over the holidays. I hope to find them again. I also want more terrariums, I'm asking for a book for Christmas!

We got over a foot of snow (and the roads have been just horrendous since Saturday), I got to go for a REAL snowshoe trek! Ugh it was awesome and my heart hurt with the workout only 20 minutes in. Maybe I should go for a walk right now! 
This picture is on a two foot mound by a road, so much float!
The wondrously snowy residential area I walked around in my snowshoes. How I long to be closer to some wooded paths or have a car to take me to the one just a mile away. I would walk but I'm to out of shape to get there in the snow and then snowshoe.
Husband building a camera! I got him a kit for Chrismtas (konstructor), an SLR 35mm camera. Of course I bought film for it, too. But, he hasn't used the camera yet. I think he's waiting for a special time to start using it. It took about 2 hours, I'm so impressed!
All built! And decorated, it came with an array of faux-leather stickers.
I'm not sure what it's called, but it's the type of camera where you look down at a view finder to see the image you take a picture of. Like the antique camera necklace piece my brother got me for Christmas!

Husband called in yesterday for a personal day so he wouldn't have to drive on roads with a foot of snow on them. He had to go in today, though, and things aren't better! The roads are completely covered in ice. Not the only thing, either. Our pipes are frozen! The kitchen trickles cold, the bathroom sink is hot, and we've got nothing for the toilet or shower! I've been trickling water from the kitchen and bathroom sink in all sorts of vases and pitchers to fill the toilet's tank. Husband will buy gallons of water on his way home. Hope the pipes thaw soon! Don't want to go long like this. At least we have power, heat, and the ability to cook!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Things of 2013 (not really accomplishments....)

I usually do an 'Accomplishments' list at the end of the year. But, given my accomplishments are low, I thought I would do more of a 'things I did/things that happened' this year...

  • Visited the Smoky Mountains!
  • Kiri passed away
  • Saw Potted Potter
  • Bought a recurve bow (then my husband did and we love archery)
  • Adopted Luna!
  • Visited Grand Rapids (twice)
  • Had an in-depth tour of a TV station
  • Wrote a novella
  • Started the third edit on my novel
  • Lost 20 pounds
  • Began going on walks again (in woods etc)
  • Didn't re-read a single book
  • Wrote a lot!
  • Paid off our car!
  • Continued writing group
  • Joined a book club
  • Married for 3 years
  • Started this blog
  • Started and wrote many Peculiar Girls
Our little Kiri monster, poor girl had a brain tumor

The Beautiful Smoky Mountains
I mean look at them! And, this is from the view of our cabin.

Archery! My wonderful bow! Even though I am craving lots of snow so I can go snowshoeing, I am also looking forward to spring (already) so I can get shooting again!

One of many adorable pictures of the new kitty, Luna. She's a big sweetie, loves to cuddle!

Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots.... of writing.

My brother's birthday gift to me, and to James. It happened to be on the day Kiri passed. It wasa very conflicting day. The show was great, and distracting. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Day of Ice

Peculiar girl would have loved it outside today. She would have loved walking in the woods, the trees and every little bit of twigs and stuff covered in ice, like cystals, always with the impending danger of the weight of the ice causing giant branches and whole trees to snap with the force. At any second she could be crushed. There would be a thrill, for her, amidst the silent white of the icy world. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Peculiar Girl and Snow

The snowflake lingered on Stay's outstretched hand. It didn't melt upon contact, turning into a regular drop of water to be collected in a minuscule vial and placed on her shelf of rain. It remained full and intact. A tiny, delicate cut of the world, a piece of shattered cloud fallen merrily to her hand. Stay had been outside in the snow for hours, cooling her hands for just this.

The icy design sat on a knuckle. The flake was a cathedral of ice, filled with spires and dancing light - a thing to pray to. another flake joined it, this one more rounded, with delicate cut-out pieces and swooping lines from point to point. The flakes faded. They could not last forever on her skin that insisted on being warm for short bursts of time.

No matter how long Stay stood outside, surrounded by sugared trees and bushes caked in ice, no mater where she stood, whether by the lake as it creaked under the pressure of heaps upon heaps of snow, luxurious and soft, or standing on the roof of her house, slick like an ice slide seducing her to her doom, she could not become or remain cold enough. She remained strong and steadfast, standing tall and sure either at the edge of the ice on the roof or at the lake. But neither place made a difference. Her blood would take the tiny sting, as the flakes landed, away. She would always enjoy it from afar, the snow, dusting the world in a haze of melted lines and cold calm.

Cold and calm. That is how the snow made Stay feel. She preferred the cold. To let the warmth from her blood leech out into the dry air like a wet huff, an exhalation of glorious remorse. She could stand, still as an ice sculpture, as the world pushed down from all sides.The cold took it all away, in a hush of white-noise. Every time it snowed she stepped out into it and it fell on her like a hug. A hug from a friend she always looked forward to seeing.

© Ash Huntley 12/2013